How Do Students Get Their News?


L’Ecole du Journalisme Nice brings together students from all over the world in its International Master’s program. These students create a diverse mix of nationalities and cultures, affecting how they get their news. It became clear that despite now living in France, students don’t necessary consume French-based media. They prefer a wide range of international sources.

Surprisingly, these students stick to the news they grew up with in their home countries. For example, students from Australia like to watch the Australian Broadcasting Corporation News. This shows that where they come from has a big impact on what news they prefer. CNN’s findings are in line with research conducted by the International Phew Research Institute which found that 86% of people follow news in their home countries.

Another interesting aspect of news consumption is the stories one chooses to read.

Even though they’re studying journalism, these students still have their favourite types of news. Instead of reading all the top stories, they pick the ones that personally interest them. This goes against the idea that journalism students would read every single important story every day. It shows that, like everyone else, they choose news based on what they like.

Our student sample size also reveals that they, on average, spend 50% less time consuming traditional news media on a dialy basis. Of course, these journalism students have a lot on their plates — studying, work, socializing, sports, and hobbies. Naturally, on quitter days, more time is spent reading news, or watching news on TV for pleasure and genuine interest.

In summary, the mix of nationalities and a student lifestyle at L’Ecole du Journalisme Nice affects how its International Master’s students get their news. They like news form home, have their own preferences, and juggle busy student lives. Even in the world of journalism studies, personal choices, habits, and lifestyles play a big role in how people consume the news.

Julia Schmidt